Beautify Sunland-Tujunga

Plant Greater Beauty and Resilience with Sunland-Tujunga Forward!

Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025

Time: TBA

Location: Northeast Sunland-Tujunga Median


Save the date! We’ll join Sunland Tujunga Forward and community volunteers to install lush, low water native foliage in the highly visible median at the northeast entrance to our community. We’re tickled to have the opportunity to make our “vibie” community even more beautiful!

Photo: Sunland Tujunga Forward volunteers and volunteering members of the FormLA Landscaping team installed irrigation in the median at the start of December 2024.

With the completion of this garden, Sunland-Tujunga will have bookends of hyper-local native foliage on Foothills Boulevard. The garden will complement the Sunland Welcome Nature Garden and Wildflower Annex on the west and harness a similar fire defensive palette featured at LAFD Station 74.

We hope you’ll come dig-in with us!

Plant Palettes

Stay tuned! Of course we’ll post photos of the approved plant palette in advance of the event. In the meantime, here are the palettes for other native plant gardens along Foothill Boulevard.

Sunland Welcome Nature Garden

LAFD Station 74, Sunland-Tujunga