Sunland Beautification Events

Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Location: Sunland Boulevard at the 210 Freeway

Park: Behind Sizzler

Please join FormLA Landscaping and the Sunland community in transforming an unimaginative and environmentally detrimental landscape into a vibrant and exciting welcome to Sunland. Throughout March 2013, we will be creating the Sunland Welcome Nature Garden, removing invasive Fountain Grass, prepping the garden site and planting local, California native plants.

Here is our schedule:

Saturday, March 9: We will remove Fountain Grass and apply mulch. Bring gloves, digging implments… wheelbarrows are welcome. Trash bags will be provided.

Saturday, March 16: We’ll complete any projects not completed on the 9th. Bring gloves, shovels, pitchforks, rakes. Wheelbarrows welcome.

Saturday, March 23: With a clean palate, we’ll plan local California natives selected for their ability to thrive in Sunland and bring riotous beauty to our community gateway year round. The plants are small, which allows them to establish themselves most effectively. Bring gloves and trowels appropriate to planting small plants… big smiles welcome!