We walk through LA with a pretty perpetual sense of gratitude. We are surrounded with team members, clients and likeminded individuals, all working to make this beloved city even more resilient and connected.
This is where we usually thank a few of those who have cheered us along our way. We are so grateful our friend Hilda Weiss inspired the opportunity to ShoutOut a bit more and a lot louder!
Since we interviewed with ShoutOut LA, we’ve experienced such extraordinary support from still more friends. Thank you Gary and Nancy Breaux, Teresa and Sarah Mackey, Erin Johnson and Clark Stevens for bringing your intellect and joy to showcasing the beauty of fire-defensive spaces. You inspire us!
We could go on… and we will. In the meantime, we are wishing you all a beautiful summer and the chance to stay cool out there!
Cassy and Kirk Aoyagi
It’s getting hot. It’s time for LA to learn how to throw shade – beautifully.
By ShoutOut LA:: We believe our work – and that of every LA landscaper – can save this beloved city and the world. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but an abundance of data backs it up! So many partners and friends have inspired and supported us along our way! Read More By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Ahh—sinking into the cool water of a swimming pool on a hot summer day is heavenly. Diving into a tangle of slimy leaves and bugs? Not so much… The types of trees, shrubs, and flowers you pick to surround your pool can spell the difference. Read More
By Cassy Aoyagi: Beautification can be a powerful force for social good. Members of USGBC-LA’s newly established Urban Landscape Committee discuss what it takes – and means – to equitably distribute good shade-throwing greenery throughout LA. Take a Listen
California asks that we cut water use by 15 percent – just as lawns are tested with heat. Can sustainable maintenance practices help? You bet!
By CG Lawn: Once the temperature gauge tips over 90 I get a bit grumpy, especially when it comes to doing my yard work. Grass can get stressed as well! Here are ways to give your lawn what it needs through extreme heat. Read More