Landscape S.M.A.R.T.s

Design, Build and Maintain Your Landscape for Fire Defense

Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Time: 6-7 pm

Location: Zoom (RSVP)

Join us as our team and wildfire-defensive architect Amy Sims discuss the ins-and-outs of fire defensive design, building, and maintenance in a forum hosted by the Sierra Madre Fire Department. You’ll walk away understanding:

  • Low sacrifice ways to “harden” your home to fire,
  • Why thinking home first is essential to fire defense,
  • Low and no-cost ways to maintain your space for greater fire safety, and
  • Tips for designing and building an ideal Zone 0, and

Come to the Zoom with your questions in hand! We’ll include plenty of time for Q&A.

Photo by Lesly Hall Photography. Fire defensive, low-maintenance indigenous foliage surrounding the Sierra Madre Police and Fire Department includes Yucca Whipplei, Oregon Grape, California Lilac and Carex Pansa.

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