Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018
Time: Expo 8 am – 4:30 pm, Panel 2:00 pm
Location: Conference Room C, SoCalGas Energy Resource Center (Map)
Registration: USGBC-LA
California likes to lead, particularly when it comes to protecting the environment. Now that CALGreen elevates our state building codes beyond LEED standards, how do we up our game? Both SITES and LEED for Neighborhood Development offer exciting opportunities to look beyond the building to increase our environmental impacts and overall resilience.
Both standards outline the treasures hidden in our green spaces, particularly our common grounds. As opposed to focusing on water use alone, they give us a structure for understanding the broad and deep impacts of our landscaping choices on our health as well as our fiscal, social and environmental resilience. Join us to explore how exploring this new frontier can benefit your business and LA.
FormLA President Cassy Aoyagi will moderate a panel of experts at the intersection of urban landscapes and resilience, including:
- James Carlson, @citysierramadre, management analyst, City of Sierra Madre
- Kitty Connolly, @theodorepayne, executive director, Theodore Payne Foundation
- Alex Hall, @UCLAIoES, professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA
- Richard Halsey, @chaparralian, executive director, Chaparral Institute
The panel will tease out why seeing “beyond the building” should be the next step in the green building movement and explore:
- How do LA’s landscapes exacerbate or mitigate fire/flood/drought dangers?
- Why is this important now? (More than ever!)
- What are the 3 top ways we can landscape to improve LA’s fire/flood/drought resilience?
- Where can the green building community make the biggest impact?
- How does looking beyond the building benefit individual developers, builders, and communities?
Recognizing the audience will be full of experts, the panel will save ample time for audience interaction and Q&A.