Houzz. August 2021. By Eileen Kelly: Firescaping incorporates the design of the landscape and property surrounding a home to lessen its susceptibility to fire. This can be achieved through a well-thought-out landscape design plan that specifies less combustible plants, incorporates fire-resistant materials and follows the advice and guidelines determined by fire-safe organizations. Read More
Houzz. August 8, 2021. By Annie Thornton: Homeowners Tom and Bea Schumacher dreamed of converting their conventional lawn yard in Pasadena, California, into a landscape of outdoor living rooms connected by a series of paths and naturalistic gardens. “One aesthetic I longed for is from reading ‘The Secret Garden’ as a child,” Bea Schumacher says. Read More
Flora. May 2021. By Cassy Aoyagi: Our home base is a little nook adjacent to chaparral, in the city limits of Los Angeles. My husband grew up wandering these mountains and probably knows every trail by heart. He made me love it, even more than the beach where I was raised. Read More