The Spruce. June 15, 2020. By Deirdre Sullivan: Spanish Colonial houses are known for their speculator curb appeal thanks to striking white stucco walls, red tile roofs, and gorgeous landscaping. Learn more about the shape, frame, and structure of these magnificent abodes. May 18,2020. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Since many of us are cooped up at home to avoid the coronavirus, Americans are gardening with abandon right now. This has lead to serenity, sustenance—and a whole new category of clutter! If your garden supplies are in disarray, there’s one item that could solve all your problems.Read More May 20, 2020. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: There are hairstylists, fashion stylists, even food stylists, so why not plant stylists? These professional green thumbs are in increasing demand. Americans are snapping up greenery like crazy these days, but many aren’t sure what to do with the plants they have, or how to keep them alive and thriving. A plant stylist can help. Read More By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: You can wing it in the backyard by digging with an old serving spoon and kneeling on a kitchen towel when you weed, but the right gear makes gardening so much easier. May 5, 2020. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Wish your lawn and garden were overflowing with greenery? You might think that gardening and landscape pros have all the answers, but even professionals who spend their lives in the dirt struggle with foliage. Part of the problem is Mother Nature herself. May 4, 2020, By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: The combination of warm weather and sheltering in place means many of us are looking to take our DIY projects outdoors. One yard task that’s gaining a lot of traction lately is gardening, with homeowners now snapping up seeds in order to plant their very own victory gardens. And by joining this DIY green crowd, you can reap many rewards. April 14, 2020: By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Growing your own food is satisfying on many levels: The act of tending plants is calming, hauling around potting soil and water makes for good exercise, and, of course, eating vegetables you grow yourself is immensely rewarding.
And as we continue to hunker down at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, having a source of fresh vegetables close at hand also saves you a few trips to the store, reducing the exposure risk for you and your family. March 30, 2020. Jennifer Kelly Geddes. Concerns about the coronavirus have made leaving the house to go grocery shopping, surrounded by other people, feel downright dangerous. But one can’t exist on rice and spaghetti alone. If you’re concerned about a shortage of fresh vegetables in your fridge, you might be a prime candidate for the victory garden trend. March 30, 2020. Jennifer Kelly Geddes. While Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West reside mainly in a swanky gated community in Hidden Hills, CA, there are apparently big plans afoot for their property in Wyoming, the western branch of the Kimye real estate empire.