A dream space to explore, imagine, relax and share stories
Profiled by At Home, in Form Magazine, and on Outside on HGTV, this Glendale, California garden highlights jaw dropping mountain views. Theodore Payne Foundation twice featured the space on the Native Garden Tour.
Designed to provide four children (and their parents!) with ample space to play and relax, the garden contains 10 distinctive living spaces. It also provides spectacular views from inside the home.
Project Gallery
The area adjacent to the home contains a fire pit, saltwater spool with insta-hot shower, a BBQ bar, waterfall-wrapped lounge and outdoor kitchen with a naturally cooled wine cellar. The hillside behind it can now be accessed via a system of trails through fragrant, slope retaining native foliage, and has become favored play space.
For those looking for a little solitude, there are semi-private overlooks and nooks throughout the space, including a perch at the top of the hill, petite nooks in the side and front gardens, and a custom bench with a spectacular view of the Verdugo Mountains.
See more of the garden in Houzz, where you can save your favorite ideas.
Plant Palettes
Check out the following palettes if you are also looking to create a clean, modern aesthetic or landscaping a slope.