Sara’s Garden, Tujunga

A Bloom-Filled Space Designed for Fire Defense and Puppy Enjoyment

Nestled deep in the northeast foothills of Los Angeles, this property beautifully demonstrates fire-defensive landscape strategies and materials. Full of California native plants, the garden was featured on LA’s iconic Native Plant Garden Tour in 2020. The U.S. Green Building Council’s LA Chapter (USGBC-LA) also featured a tour of this property on its wildfire risk reduction forum in 2021.

Sara and Teresa Mackey enjoying spring blooms.

Tour the Garden with Teresa

Featured on the online Native Plant Garden Tour in 2021, Teresa showcased her understanding of fire defensive landscaping and the benefits of living within a native plant garden.

Teresa describes her fire defensive garden.

I wasn’t a big entertainer, beforehand, but
now I want everyone to come and see
and enjoy the peace.

Teresa MacKey
Theodore Payne Foundation Interview

Project Snapshot

The Mackey’s meadow and surrounding landscape are as vibrant as Teresa’s laugh. The abundant Coast Live Oak canopy on neighboring properties provides a layer of ember-catching fire defense, and the ember resistant materials used near the home help it resist ignition.

See more photos in the full project gallery in Houzz, where you can save your favorite ideas. Hear more about fire defensive landscaping and living in this beautiful space from Teresa in Client Insights.

Plant Palettes

Looking for lush, lovely, livable and fire defensive space? Check out the plant palette for the Mackey Garden, and save your favorite fire defensive foliage ideas in Pinterest.