We make or break our spring blooms in the last dry days of autumn
November 11, 2020. By Oscar Ortega: Remember the crazy beautiful Southern California slopes turned blue with Desert Blue Bells and Lupine, sunny with California poppies, after our torrential trains of 2018? Well, if you act now, you can ensure your favorite places light up like this once more!
Now is a ripe moment for seeing our spring superbloom. Here’s how:
- Rake-In Wildflower Seeds: Poppies, Desert Bluebells, and Showy Milkweed will happily fill barren spaces. Simply disturb the ground where you’d like them to sprout with a rake, or a foot if you are rake-less, and toss the seeds. (This is a great “job” for the young.)
- Plant Natives!: Just as wildflowers like those barren spaces, so do invasive grasses. Now is the time to block their intrusion with something that will bring you blooms and joy. Natives love being planted in the cool weather, and winter rains will fuel their happiness and long term establishment.
- Mulch: Adding three inches of organic mulch to your garden before the rain will help keep valuable soil in place as rain falls. It will also prevent precious water from evaporating when the sun inevitably returns.
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LA’s rains have boom and bust cycles. Capturing rain can boost your gardens’ resilience to drought, and it’s also critical to protect property from substantial stormwater.
- Capture Rainfall
- Protect Property Pre-Rain
- FormLA Disaster Prevention Checklist