3 Powerful Water Saving Tips

Earning Water-Saving Rewards Can Be As Simple as 1, 2, 3

FormLA owners Kirk Aoyagi, a certified water manager, and Cassy Aoyagi, a LEED accredited professional, recommend the following water-conservation strategies:

Sprinkling the sidewalk grows nothing.

Use Smart Irrigation Strategies

Reducing irrigation system leaks and over-watering can make a big difference in outdoor water consumption rates. Strategies for improving irrigation include:

  • Monitoring and maintaining existing systems, reducing water waste (and fines) associated with leaks
  • Watering at night or early in the morning to reduce evaporation and maximize root-zone absorption
  • Retrofitting older systems with weather-based controllers, rotators, and/or low flow irrigation devices
  • Avoiding hosing of patios – sweep instead
  • Creating enough irrigation system zones to service each plant community and microclimate effectively
  • Installing weather-based controllers to ensure appropriate watering for the time of year
  • Installing low-flow (drip) irrigation systems to maximize effective root zone watering and reduce evaporation
  • Installing sub-meters to save money on sewer rates
A child runs through a verdant meadow toward his parents.
The space offers room to run and play and needs only 20% of the water needed by turf grass.

Enjoy a Lawn Alternative

Lawn-like alternatives that provide all the beauty and utility of a traditional lawn while requiring less maintenance and less water to thrive include:

  • IdealMow™ lawn alternatives, which look similar to traditional lawns and thrive on approximately 30-60 percent less water
  • Ground cover and joint lawn substitutes, which create visual interest with juxtaposing colors and textures
  • NoMow™ lawn substitutes that have a natural, meadow-like appearance thrive on 30-60 percent less water

Plant Native or Climate Compatible Foliage

Native gardens can be the most vibrant, lush and fragrant outdoor spaces in a community, particularly in low water years. To get familiar with native foliage and get started, we recommend:

  • Visit one of our demonstration gardens
  • Going on the Native Plant Garden Tour
  • Plant small natives, which require less water to become established
  • Place plants with similar water needs in zones to facilitate effective irrigation

Earn Rewards

State and local rebates, incentives and grants encourage water-conservation and other sustainable landscaping practices. Activities eligible for rebates in many Los Angeles communities include:

  • Retrofitting spray nozzle sprinkler heads with pop-up spray heads
  • Replacing large rotary sprinklers with high-efficiency nozzle retrofits
  • Working with a certified sustainable landscape designer
  • Using climate-friendly plant materials
  • Installing weather-based irrigation controllers
  • Adding rain barrels and cisterns

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