Effective Design Balances Neighborhood Connection and Social Distancing March 03, […]
Credit.com June 12, 2015. By Gerri Detweiler: Whether you are hoping to sell your home, or it’s summer and you just want an excuse to be outdoors and dig in the dirt, sprucing up your landscaping can be a wise investment. Research has found that sophisticated landscaping with large plants can increase a home’s value by as much as 12.7%.
Los Angeles Times. January 23, 2013. Cassy Aoyagi Answers: Do you have any suggestions for drought-tolerant, kid-friendly ground cover? We’ve read that dymondia works well to fill in space between pavers but haven’t found any talk of how well this plant works as a grass substitute, spread across a yard.
Can our kids walk barefoot? Will the dymondia attract bees? And will it flourish in an area that gets sun and shade?