Panel: Wildfire Beyond the WUI

Learn How Wildfire Impacts Communities Well Beyond the WUI

Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023

Time: 2-3 pm

Location: The Outdoor Stage, The Beehive, South LA (Map)

Tickets: USGBC-LA, MyGBCE (Map)

We were very happy to bring life and home saving perspective to MyGBCE, the largest and longest-running gathering for green building and sustainability advocates in Southern California. Hosted by the thought leading LA Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC-LA), this conversation built upon past fire defense conversations and addresses the impact of wildfire beyond known high fire severity areas.

FormLA Landscaping President Cassy Aoyagi joined other leaders in fire defensive home and landscape assessments, design, construction, retrofits, and related policies. Listen to learn why thinking “home first” is essential to wildfire defense in and well beyond the WUI.

This conversation was led by J. Lopez, public member, California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection and includes: Marc Los Huertos, associate professor of environmental analysis, Pomona College; Amanda Cavallo, designer and project manager, SweisKloss; and Brian Sheridan, Coalition for Clean Air.
See the full MyGBCE Agenda. See past fire defense conversations in the FormLA Landscaping YouTube Playlist.