LAUSD Daily. October 25, 2016. By Samuel Gilstrap: Board Member Mónica Ratliff joined dozens of students, parents, faculty, and community partners on Tuesday to celebrate the opening of a garden and orchard at Pinewood Avenue Elementary School in honor of California State Senator Carol Liu who will be retiring after 14 years representing the 25th District.
LA Daily News. October 25, 2016. By David Crane: Senator Carol Liu addresses school officials and students on hand for the dedication of a 1500 foot all-native garden at Pinewood Avenue Elementary School in Tujunga. The project, dedicated to the legacy of Senator Liu, is a joint effort between Pinewood Elementary, LAUSD, Beyond the Bell/ LA’s BEST After School Enrichment Program, FormLA Landscaping, and the Senator’s GREEN21 sustainability program.
New Home Source. October 10, 2016. Drew Knight: One of the biggest benefits of buying a newly built home is that today, more than ever, homebuilders are adopting green building techniques to make homes more energy efficient and better for the environment.
In fact, there are now numerous agencies and programs put into place to help monitor and rate builders and products to help first-time homebuyers like you make at-home energy conservation possible.