Better Homes and Gardens. July 23, 2021. By Nafeesah Allen: It’s easy to overlook your landscape when budgeting for home maintenance and renovation projects. Yet this summer is bound to yield an abundance of backyard BBQs and other outdoor entertaining, ensuring that landscaping is a line item on your home improvement to-do list (and budget). Costs can quickly add up for outdoor projects, but with a little preparation, you can keep expenses down and really make every penny count. Read More June 20, 2021. By Larissa Runkle: After last year’s record-setting wildfires, which burned over 10 million acres, experts predict this year’s wildfire season will be just as dangerous. Scorching temperatures and drought conditions make it nearly impossible to prevent some fires, but if you live in a place that’s considered at risk for wildfires, you’re probably concerned about how to protect your home.
While there are many obvious ways to help stop the spread of wildfires (mainly, by respecting fire bans), there are also some steps you should take to mitigate the risk of fires. Read More
RocketMortgage. July 12, 2021. By Katie Ziraldo: As society looks toward the future to find new ways to combat climate change, one of the biggest solutions may lie in our past. The concept of green architecture, with the added assistance of modern technology, may hold the key to a better future for both buildings and people.
“Our living environments profoundly impact our health and social equity,” explains Cassy Aoyagi, President of FormLA Landscaping. Read More