By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: You can wing it in the backyard by digging with an old serving spoon and kneeling on a kitchen towel when you weed, but the right gear makes gardening so much easier. May 5, 2020. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Wish your lawn and garden were overflowing with greenery? You might think that gardening and landscape pros have all the answers, but even professionals who spend their lives in the dirt struggle with foliage. Part of the problem is Mother Nature herself. May 4, 2020, By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: The combination of warm weather and sheltering in place means many of us are looking to take our DIY projects outdoors. One yard task that’s gaining a lot of traction lately is gardening, with homeowners now snapping up seeds in order to plant their very own victory gardens. And by joining this DIY green crowd, you can reap many rewards.