Best Company. March 23, 2020. By Rebecca Graham: In September 2017, Sydney Williams realized her sedentary corporate lifestyle was literally killing her. A former collegiate rower and professional skydiver, she was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes after a 12-year career in big-brand corporate marketing and public relations. November 5, 2019. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West may already own a massive compound in the gated community of Hidden Hills, Los Angeles, but apparently it’s not quite big enough—which may explain why they’ve just purchased yet another property next door, for $2,975,000… The couple are actually on-trend when it comes to adding a personal farm.
Houzz. By Lauren Dunec Hoang: If you’re looking for planting inspiration for a shaded area of your garden, look no farther than the natural woodlands of your region. There, native plants such as lush ferns, delicate foamflower and wild strawberries thrive under tree canopies and in shaded canyons. If you choose to plant native perennials in your garden, you’ll be rewarded with plants that come back year after year and are perfectly adapted to your area.