May 8, 2019. By Jennifer Kelly Geddes: Houseplants, lovely as they are, can be the bane of a homeowner’s existence. They collect dust, outgrow their containers—and then they die. But if you cultivate the right kinds of greenery, you might just garner more happiness, cleaner air to breathe, and other cool benefits.
HouseLogic. By Jamie Weibe: Improving your home’s curb appeal brings immediate satisfaction. Plus, the financial benefits can be fabulous, too.
The challenge? Spending too much limits your ROI, yet going cheap could cost you more in redos. The key is to choose durable materials that’ll save you money over time while making your house look fab.
Houzz. April 26, 2019. By Annie Thornton: Consider how beneficial planting a tree can be. Trees shade and cool our homes and streets, helping to mitigate the heat island effect and reduce reliance on air conditioning and other energy consumers. Trees also provide food and habitat to wildlife, capture carbon dioxide from the air, provide natural play areas, enhance curb appeal and add beauty and a feeling of place to gardens and communities.