July 29, 2015. By Lori Johnston: These kitchens with bars place guests in the middle of the action and showcase sensational style from coast to coast.
Los Angeles Times. July 23, 2015. By Janet Kinosian: The poor traditional Southern California lawn. Our flat green grass turfs have been beaten up and bullied with calls to replace them. But how many people know there are numerous drought-tolerant grass species well suited for the Southern California climate that still have the general look and feel of lawn as we know it?
Houzz. July 2015. By Laura Gaskill: Vivre dans une maison avec cour intérieure est un rêve que de nombreux chanceux exaucent dans les régions du monde au climat tempéré. Un espace sans toit, clos (entièrement ou partiellement), ceint dans un bâtiment, qui procure fraîcheur et intimité pour se détendre ou se distraire…