HGTV. By Holly Aguirre: The temptation with owning a dog is to just open up the back door and let Fido run free.
Not so fast. The garden is full of temptations and potential dangers if you aren’t careful. By meticulously planning your garden and in some cases, calling in a pro, you and your best friend can enjoy the pleasures of your garden with no worries.
Los Angeles Times. December 11, 2014. By Esmerelda Bermudez: Wet weather kept Alberto Ortega from working most of last week — and he couldn’t have been more pleased.
“This rain is a blessing I was beginning to think I’d never see,” the gardener said.
In four decades of tending people’s yards, this year has been Ortega’s roughest: Clients put off landscaping projects, scaled back his duties or simply let their yards go altogether, costing him thousands of dollars.
InsideHook. September 19, 2014. By Reuben Brody: Newsflash: we’re in a drought. You’ve probably heard. Here’s another newsflash: as long as SoCal imports its water, we’ll always have supply issues. Always. Especially when 40-60% of it goes to keeping non-native lawns lush.
So in the spirit of doing ourselves and our progeny a solid, we bring youLandscaping in the Time of Drought, a guide to maintaining a stunning, waterwise lawn.