July 18, 2012. By Amy Fontinelle: Buying new construction seems like a great way to avoid the hassles and expenses that come with buying a home that’s been around the block. Any older house will have things that need repair or replacement. Brand-new homes are perfect and move-in ready. Right? This is a faulty belief that can leave you battling issues with your home for years to come.
Naturally Vibrant Living BlogTalk Radio. Fall 2012. Interview by Diane Brandon: Planting shrubs and trees not only beautifies our homes, but also allows us to dig in the dirt and develop a closer relationship with nature. There can be many factors and considerations that go into landscaping and choosing plants, but one may be overlooked. Can you landscape your home in a more sustainable way? And could you actually landscape in a way that helps to prevent natural disasters?
Pasadena Sun. May 1, 2012. By Kat Ward: And what a show it is. Holy moly (yes, this will be the tone of this post, can’t help it, fresh from the tour, brain still buzzing).
If you’re intrigued, amused, or even disdainful of how the 1% live, get your ticket and go. This tour is fascinating, inspirational, amusing and just dreamy. We’d go again just for the views of the San Gabriel mountains. Tennis, anyone? A game of “H-O-R-S-E”?